Summerschool “Playing with the HeArts” sparkled in the summer

On 22nd and 23rd August, the Summerschool “Playing with the HeArts”, initiated and organised by the Professorship Music-Based Therapies and Interventions (MTI) of ArtEZ and Domus Nostra-Saffier, took place within the walls of Domus Nostra-Saffier, a long term care facility in The Hague where people who suffer from Korsakoff’s Syndrome receive 24/7-care. The beautiful initiative is one of the flowers bloomed from the collaboration between MTI and Saffier, which aims to connect music/arts therapy and health care, theory and practice.

Participants who were interested in learning how music, dance, and art interventions can contribute to health care and well-being were invited to come join this Summerschool. The emphasis was to experience the different types of arts-therapies in real practice-setting.  


The keynote-speech of the event was more than just a speech; Dr. Artur Jaschke, Lector of the professorship MTI, offered a guest lecture about how different forms of arts activate the brain, and with the knowledge, how the arts can be beneficial when working with people suffering from Korsakoff’s Syndrome. After this inspiring lecture, the audience was offered a diverse program in which all kinds of arts-therapies were represented. The variety of workshops ranged from dance- and movement, mindfulness and art-therapies, trauma and art, body awareness, receptive music-work and mindfulness, to inclusive theater and songwriting. Besides the arts-therapist working at Domus Nostra, also external speakers were invited. Dr. Monique van Bruggen-Rufi, who is working as senior researcher at Domus Nostra as well as coordinating manager of the Pre-Master’s and Master’s program in Music Therapy at ArtEZ, was the leading hostess of this event in her role as “linking pin” representing both Domus Nostra-Saffier and ArtEZ. Carin Rustema and Sarah Seppendorf were part of the organizing committee as well. 


The Summerschool was a great success, and it’s already hoped for more rounds going forward by various stakeholders.