Accreditation ArtEZ Master of Music Therapy Programme
On July 1st 2019, AeQui’s Assessment Committee visited the Master of Music Therapy programme of ArtEZ University of the Arts. The programme started in 2016, following its accreditation by the Accreditation Organization of the Netherlands and Flanders (NVAO). Since then, many exciting developments have taken place. By being imbedded in a strong and unique Music Therapy learning community (including a bachelor’s programme, a pre-master’s course, a research fellowship and a professorship) and the Graduate School of ArtEZ – University of the Arts, the program focuses on the (inter)national development of the profession and its impact on individuals and communities. Within Graduate School, we believe that our learning communities play a role in change making in the world by forming cross-cultural communities of artistic and therapeutic learning, research and practice. The Master of Music Therapy prepares culturally sensitive and scientifically competent clinicians for a broad and international professional practice. Our vision is rooted in a shared and unique authorship in innovating, developing, and shaping the impact of music therapy on individuals and societies aiming to build resilient and equitable societies. At ArtEZ, Music therapy at the Master level entails advanced training on best-practice standards of evidence-based music therapy, including the (neuro)scientific foundations of clinical practice, neurologic music therapy and conducting on the impact of diverse music therapy methods. Training in musical and counselling skills is also essential to meet our clients’ needs and apply the specialized clinical and scientific knowledge within a therapeutic relationship, especially within a multi-layered, complex context. The ArtEZ Music Therapy programme is characterized by student centered education and care. We emphasize in the different courses the relevance of musicianship, professional and personal growth, scientific and innovative thinking, professionalism, collaboration and cultural sensitivity. It is designed as an international course taught in English language by local and international leading faculty members in their field of expertise. The Master of Music Therapy (MMth) programme can be followed in a one-year full-time or two-year part-time version, is worth 60 ECTS credits. This year, the assessment system of the programme and the achievement of learning outcomes were assessed by the AeQui’s Assessment Committee. Both standards were positively qualified. The Committee considers that the Master of Music Therapy course has a well-developed and ad-equate assessment system, characterized by a clear vision on testing, the variety of testing methods aligning to the professional field and validity of testing through the 4-eyes principle. The personalized and intensive supervision that students receive during the programme and the graduation process were highlighted. The Panel considers the quality of the graduation is worthy of a master’s degree. The programme has been described as a "dynamic and flexible community" in which students and lecturers are committed and work closely together. The Committee noted that students are given enough room for self-development and to make their own choices, while being guided to get better insights into the profession and to develop a professional vocabulary. Based on the interviews with alumni, the Committee notes that they have developed strongly both personally and professionally during their training and are well prepared for their careers as music therapists. This positive outcome reinforces our believes and hard work, it motivates us to continue building a high quality program with wide (inter)national networks for the future music therapy leaders of the